Lottery scam quick guide: it's a scam if...

  • you win any lottery where you didn't buy a ticket! It's really that easy! It's not just too good to be true: it's bait in a trap!
  • you receive a generous grant out of the blue. Sadly (but not surprisingly) there aren't any benevolent people regularly throwing around millions of pounds/dollars/euros to randomly chosen people. This is just the lottery scam without the ticket.
  • they send you partial payment in the form of a cheque, money order, or direct bank transfer and want you to pay them fees out of that money. They're playing you for a sucker: cheques are frequently forged, and direct transfers made by compromising some poor schmuck's online banking service. You'll wind up a victim of fraud, or a party to it.
  • they want you to send them any money of any sort for any reason. They might try to say there are courier fees or taxes to cover. They're lying. Call their bluff and tell them to take the fees out themselves -- they'll never ever agree, because they can't defraud you unless money is making the reverse trip from you to them somehow.

Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Email ticket number: FL754/22/76

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: <>
Date: 09-Nov-2006 03:44
Subject: Email ticket number: FL754/22/76


Dear Winner,

We are please to announce you as one of the 10 lucky winners in the
luckyday Lotto draw held today friday the 27th of Oct 2006.All 10
winning Addresses were randomly selected from a batch of 50,000,000
international Emails. Your email address emerged alongside 9 others as
category 2 Winners in this year's Annual luckyday Lotto Draw.
Consequently, you have therefore been approved for a total pay out of
(one million dollars) only. The following particulars Are attached to
your lotto payment order:
(i) Winning numbers: 37-13-43-85-67-11
(ii) Email ticket number: FL754/22/76
(iii) Lotto code number: FL23112
(iv) The file Ref nu mber: FL/04/5237900 /NL
Please contact the under listed claims officer via email or phone
as soon as possible for the immediate release of your winnings and also
send him the information requested below:

Mr.John Rijkaard
Onward Agency Bv
TEL NO.0031-616-759-961
1. NAME IN FULL:................................
2. ADDRESS:.....................................
3. NATIONALITY:.................................
4. AGE:.........................................
5. OCCUPATION:..................................
6. PHONE/FAX:...................................
7.COUNTRY OF RESIDENCE..........................
Please quote you r Reference number in all correspondence with the
claims officer.
Winners are advic e to keep this award confidential until prize are
claimed to avert incident of impersonation by unscrupulous elements.

Once again on behalf of all our staff,

Melanie Muller.
Promotions Manager
The Luckyday Lotto Company

The Luckyday Lotto Awards is proudly sponsored by the Microsoft
Corporation, the Intel Group, Toshiba, Dell Computers,Mackintosh and a
Conglomeration of other international IT companies.
The Luckyday lotto Internet Draw is held once in a year and is so
organized to encourage the use of The Internet and computers worldwide.
We are proud to say that over 200 Million Euros are won annually in
more than 150 countries worldwide.
We also encourage you to visit our website at and Take
your chance to play and become part of our annual winners. Millions are
won on a yearl y basis on one of the world's most famous lotto Service.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yes, got one of those. Lovely. I just thought all my problems were solved:)