Lottery scam quick guide: it's a scam if...

  • you win any lottery where you didn't buy a ticket! It's really that easy! It's not just too good to be true: it's bait in a trap!
  • you receive a generous grant out of the blue. Sadly (but not surprisingly) there aren't any benevolent people regularly throwing around millions of pounds/dollars/euros to randomly chosen people. This is just the lottery scam without the ticket.
  • they send you partial payment in the form of a cheque, money order, or direct bank transfer and want you to pay them fees out of that money. They're playing you for a sucker: cheques are frequently forged, and direct transfers made by compromising some poor schmuck's online banking service. You'll wind up a victim of fraud, or a party to it.
  • they want you to send them any money of any sort for any reason. They might try to say there are courier fees or taxes to cover. They're lying. Call their bluff and tell them to take the fees out themselves -- they'll never ever agree, because they can't defraud you unless money is making the reverse trip from you to them somehow.

Tuesday, November 01, 2005


                             NATIONAL LOTTERY ONLINE PROGRAM.
                             79 Bovill Road, London.
                             SE23 1EL UK.

BATCH No: 14/0017/1PD

                           WINNING NOTIFICATION

The board of directors and the entire member of staff of the National Lottery wishes to
inform you of the result of the (Email Address Ballot) Online Sweepstakes international program held at the British Headquarter on the 29th october 2005.
Your email account have been picked as a winner of Six Hundred Thousand Pounds Sterling (�600,000.00) in cash creditted to KTU/9023118308/03. This is from a total sum of Four
Million, Two hundred Thousand Pounds Sterling (�4,200,000.00)  shared amongst seven winners. This results is now released to you on 1st November, 2005 and your email address attached to Ticket number: 5647560054 188 with Serial number 5368/02 drew the lucky numbers 02-05-13-30-39-49 and bonus ball 03 in the Lotto. To check your results online click on this link participants were
selected through a computer ballot system drawn from Microsoft users from company and individual email address users.
Be advice to keep your winning information confidential until your claims have been processed
and your money remitted to you. This is part of our security protocol to avoid double claiming and unwarranted abuse of this program. For the release of your winning, kindly contact your claims supervisory officer at the British Lottery Head Quarters, Payment Release Order Department
Mr.Micheal Brooks on Tel +44 703 190 2991 or via email ( you are to quote your lucky numbers for confirmation on your winning.
All eligible winners must respond for the claim of their respective winnings not later than (2) two weeks after this notification. After this date all unclaimed funds will be returned
European Union Treasury as unclaimed prize for good cause.
You are therefore advised to give the following informations to the fiduciary
agent via email:
1. Full name and address.
2. Occupation.
3. Tel and fax number.
4. Country.
Please note in order to avoid unnecessary delays and complications please remember to quote
your reference number in all correspondence.
Congratulations from the entire member of staff and thank you for being part of our email
account users program.
Yours Sincerely,
Mrs. Julie Van Hans,
(UK Lottery Intern.)

Dr. P. Swier, Mr. Gerald Goodman (Manager Foreign Operations), Mr. Franklyn Van Der Weijden (Manager Domestic Banking Operations), Dr. James Williams (Director International Credit
Department), Mrs. Sandra Murphy (Executive), Mr. Michael Cole (Executive),
Mr. Stephen Boer (chairman).

Affiliates The Lottery Company and is in no way affiliated with, associated
with or approved or endorsed by Camelot Group plc.
Material Copyright � 2005 The Lottery Co. Ltd.

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