Lottery scam quick guide: it's a scam if...

  • you win any lottery where you didn't buy a ticket! It's really that easy! It's not just too good to be true: it's bait in a trap!
  • you receive a generous grant out of the blue. Sadly (but not surprisingly) there aren't any benevolent people regularly throwing around millions of pounds/dollars/euros to randomly chosen people. This is just the lottery scam without the ticket.
  • they send you partial payment in the form of a cheque, money order, or direct bank transfer and want you to pay them fees out of that money. They're playing you for a sucker: cheques are frequently forged, and direct transfers made by compromising some poor schmuck's online banking service. You'll wind up a victim of fraud, or a party to it.
  • they want you to send them any money of any sort for any reason. They might try to say there are courier fees or taxes to cover. They're lying. Call their bluff and tell them to take the fees out themselves -- they'll never ever agree, because they can't defraud you unless money is making the reverse trip from you to them somehow.

Friday, November 30, 2007


Dear Sir/Madam
              Complement of the season,
I pray that this massage will reach you in the perfect peace of the almighty
Before I proceed, I would introduce my self to you so that you could know
who you are about to deal with, I am EUNICE ALMUFTI, I arrived from S udan
 to the Accra INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT. with my late mother  two
boxes of money that is containing the sum of (15.5million dollar)each.
Sir i want you to instruct me on how i can transfer the funds to you in your

Please Sir, give me the perfect direction on how we can ship my funds from
Africa so that i can come and join your family and continue my education.
Please in respective of my security, I would like you to keep this
information secret until we had finish transferring my funds, please do not
by any mines review to any body here about me because I had that so much
people here are diverting little children funds all in the name of
rendering assistance to transfer it out.

I believe it can be transferred within short time, Sir my almost dream in
life is for me to complete my studies, please Dad, you will have to promise
that you will take good care of my money while i continue my education until
i finish. As soon as i hear from you, Rev PETER KWAME will contact you and let you what to do to achieve this feat.

please Dad, send me your direct address and personal details
So please get back to me with your ideal and advise so we can proceed
looking forward to hear from you soonest.

Best regards

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